Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

Speaker Title Date
Zurab Janelidze (Stellenbosch University, South Africa) The theory of exactness properties: recent developments and work in progress 2020-10-13
Zurab Janelidze (Stellenbosch Univ., South Africa) In search for an algebraically sound notion of a subobject in the dual of a topos 2022-04-05
Wolfram Bentz (CEMAT-­FCUL, Univ. de Lisboa) Supernilpotent algebras are non-dualizable 2015-07-07
Willian Ribeiro (PhD Student, CMUC) Compactly generated (T,V)-spaces 2018-12-18
Willian Ribeiro (PhD Student, CMUC) On generating cartesian closed subcategories of (T,V)-Cat 2018-06-29
Walter Tholen (York University, Canada) Topology for internal pre-orders: focus on complete regularity 2022-02-15
Walter Tholen (York Univ., Toronto, Canada) Colimits 2021-02-23
Vincenzo Fano (Univ. Urbino, Italy) Logical pluralism 2023-05-16
Valentina Rossi (CMUC) Torsion theories and Galois coverings of topological groups 2006-11-13
Valentina Rossi (CMUC) Admissible Galois structures and coverings in regular Mal'cev categories 2006-10-23
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