Algebra, Logic and Topology (ALT)

<Publications History> <Projects History>
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, HOFMANN, Dirk, THOLEN, Walter (2024). Cauchy convergence in V-normed categories. DMUC 24-23 Preprint.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, FITAS, Carlos, HOFMANN, Dirk (2024). A variety of co-quasivarieties. DMUC 24-21 Preprint.
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, VÁKÁR, Matthijs (2024). Free doubly-infinitary distributive categories are cartesian closed. DMUC 24-16 Preprint.
BORCEUX, Francis, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel (2024). On toposes, algebraic theories, semi-abelian categories and compact Hausdorff spaces. DMUC 24-12 Preprint.
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis (2024). Hamilton cycles for involutions of classical type. DMUC 24-03 Preprint.
HOEFNAGEL, Michael, RODELO, Diana (2024). Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. DMUC 24-01 Preprint.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, PAIVA, Valeria de, FUNK, Jonathon (2024). Foreword - Special issue of Theory and Applications of Categories in honour of Professor Marta Bunge.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando (2024). Lax comma 2-categories and admissible 2-functors. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. 6, pp. 180-226.
ARRIETA, Igor, PICADO, Jorge, PULTR, Ales (2024). Notes on the spatial part of a frame. Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications. Vol. 20, pp. 105-129.
BORCEUX, Francis, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel (2024). On coherent systems of subobjects with application to torsion theory. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. 8, pp. 249-277.
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Attractivité internationale et collaborations de recherche dans le cadre du Coimbra group
Escola Delfos
Groups, Topology and Applications
Number of registers: 3.1
© Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra, funded by
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