Geometry (G)

Speaker Title Date
Pedro Vaz (UC Louvain, Belgium) A tour on quantum topology and categorification 2025-02-19
Luis Diogo (Univ. Uppsala, Sweden) Holomorphic spheres and disks in symplectic manifolds 2025-01-13
Dario Di Pinto (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Global results on CR submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds 2024-12-11
Pedro Lopes (IST, Univ. Lisboa) A combinatorial view on quandles 2024-11-20
Federico Moran (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Operations in Khovanov homology 2024-10-09
Aram Diaw (CMUP, Univ. Porto) On \(C^2\)-actions on complex surfaces 2024-04-24
Bjarne Kosmeijer (Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands) Lie groupoids: between equivariant and non-commutative geometry 2024-02-28
Jacob Goodman (Nebrija Univ., Spain) Reduction by symmetry in Riemannian homogeneous spaces with applications to path-planning 2024-01-30
Alexandre Anahory Simões (IE School of Science and Technology, Spain) Geometric integrators for Riemannian cubic splines 2024-01-30
Oscar Cosserat (Univ. Gottingen, Germany) Structure-preserving integrators in Poisson geometry 2024-01-15
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