Some aspects of enriched completely distributive lattices

The topics of this talk are motivated by two classic results: firstly, the fact that "Topop is a quasi-variety" proven by Barr and Pedicchio in 1995; secondly, the identification of (constructively) completely distributive lattices as the nuclear objects in the autonomous category Sup of complete lattices and suprema-preserving maps (Higgs and Rowe 1989; Rosebrugh and Wood 1994). Regarding the former, arguably a more "perspicuous" argument is presented in Adámek and Pedicchio (1997) and further explored in Pedicchio and Wood (1999) to give a constructive proof showing that the dual of the category of pre-ordered sets and monotone maps is a quasi-variety. In this talk we recall the main ingredients and discuss these results in the context of quantale-enriched categories.

This talk is based on joint work with Carlos Fitas and Maria Manuel Clementino.



Adámek, Jiří and Pedicchio, M. Cristina (1997). "A remark on topological spaces, grids, and topological systems". In: Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 38.(3), pp. 217-226.

Barr, Michael and Pedicchio, M. Cristina (1995). "Topop is a quasivariety". In: Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 36.(1), pp. 3-10.


Higgs, Denis A. and Rowe, Keith A. (1989). "Nuclearity in the category of complete semilattices". In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 57.(1), pp. 67-78.

Pedicchio, M. Cristina and Wood, Richard J. (1999). "Groupoidal completely distributive lattices". In: Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 143.(1-3), pp. 339-350.

Rosebrugh, Robert and Wood, Richard J. (1994). "Constructive complete distributivity IV". In: Applied Categorical Structures 2.(2), pp. 119- 144.  


Date:  2023-01-24
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro)
Institution:  Universidade de Aveiro
Place:  Sala 2.4, DMUC
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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