Lax epimorphisms and the associated factorization

Lax epimorphisms (also called co-fully-faithful morphisms) are a 2-dimensional version of epimorphisms; in a 2-category A they are precisely the 1-cells f making A(f,C) fully faithful for all objects C. In this talk, several features of lax epimorphisms will be presented. We show that any 2-category with convenient colimits has an orthogonal LaxEpi-factorization system and give a concrete description of this factorization in Cat. In the more general context of V-enriched categories, we give several characterizations of lax epimorphisms in V-Cat.


This is joint work with Fernando Lucatelli Nunes.

Date:  2021-12-07
Start Time:   16:00
Speaker:  Lurdes Sousa (CMUC and IP Viseu)
Institution:  CMUC and IP Viseu
Place:  Zoom
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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