Folding up of monotone and concordant morphisms for sub-reflections from models in the category of presheaves
Description:  It will be presented a simplified version of the sufficient conditions for the concordant-dissonant and monotone-light factorizations to coincide, in the case of an adjunction from the category of presheaves on sets into a cocomplete category, satisfying the faithfulness of the composite of the left-adjoint with the Yoneda embedding. Then, the same will be done for induced sub-reflections from categories of models of (limit) sketches: which explains why the monotone-light factorisation for categories via preordered sets is just the restriction of the same factorisation for simplicial sets via ordered simplicial complexes.
Date:  2010-02-23
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  João Xarez (Universidade de Aveiro)
Institution:  Universidade de Aveiro
Place:  Sala 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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