Working with internal categories without pullbacks
Description:  The usual assumption to work with the notion of internal category in some category C is the existence of pullbacks in C. In fact, a minimal requirement is the existence of pullbacks of split epimorphisms along split epimorphisms. In this note we will be interested in the notion of internal category without assuming the existence of pullbacks. For this purpose we consider an internal category as a structure with the property that some squares are required to be pullbacks. This approach is useful, for example, in the study of internal categories relative to some specified class of split epimorphisms. Some examples of application are provided.
Date:  2008-12-02
Start Time:   16.45
Speaker:  Nelson Martins-Ferreira (CDRSP/IP Leiria)
Place:  Sala 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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