Iterated periodicity in pseudowords over finite aperiodic semigroups
Description:  We provide a characterization of pseudowords over the pseudovariety of all finite aperiodic semigroups that are given by $\omega$-terms, that is that can be obtained from the free generators using only multiplication and the $\omega$-power. A necessary and sufficient condition for this property to hold turns out to be given by the conjunction of two rather simple finiteness conditions: the nonexistence of infinite anti-chains of factors and the rationality of the language of McCammond normal forms of $\omega$-terms that define factors.
Area(s): Seminar of the research project ASA - Automata, Semigroups and Applications
Date:  2008-02-29
Start Time:   16.30
Speaker:  Jorge Almeida (CMUP/U. Porto)
Place:  Sala 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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