Riemann surfaces, line bundles and divisors
Description:  Line bundles are fundamental objects in geometry, generalizing some properties of tangent and cotangent bundles of manifolds. In algebraic geometry, it is common to consider line bundles over compact Riemann surfaces. On the other hand, it is also frequent to make use of divisors on these surfaces, which, in general, are just integer-valued functions on a Riemann surface. They appear, for example, in the notable Riemann Roch theorem. In this talk, we explore the relation between divisors and line bundles over compact Riemann surfaces, while making use of the machinery provided by cocycles and Čech cohomology.
Date:  2022-11-23
Start Time:   17:00
Speaker:  Gabriel Martinho (UC|UP PhD student)
Institution:  CMUP, Universidade do Porto
Place:  Sala 2.5, DMUC
See more:   <Main>   <UC|UP MATH PhD Program>  
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