Applicative Theories and their Applications
Description:  Applicative Theories are the first order part of Feferman's systems of Explicit Mathematics. They comprise type-free combinatory logic and axiomatized natural numbers. In contrast to usual logic frameworks, the underlying logic is partial, i.e., there is a special existence predicate which can be used to express non-termination of computations. It has turned out that Applicative Theories provide a very elegant and uniform framework for axiomatic systems which are useful in Proof Theory, Complexity Theory and Computer Science. In our talk we will give an introduction to Applicative Theories and their main features and applications.
Date:  2004-04-27
Start Time:   14.30
Speaker:  Reinhard Kahle (Universidade de Coimbra)
Place:  5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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