Predicate liftings and lax extensions of functors

Lax extensions of SET-functors to bicategories of (enriched) relations are a well-established tool in various parts of mathematics: they are fundamental in our work on "monoidal topology", 
but also generic notions of bisimulation for coalgebras rely on identity-preserving (=normal) lax extensions. In this talk we characterise functors admiting a normal lax extension, discuss uniqueness of normal lax extensions, and provide a "a point-free perspective on the connection between lax extensions and predicate liftings".

This talk is based on joint work with Sergey Goncharov, Pedro Nora, Lutz Schröder and Paul Wild (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).

Date:  2024-03-19
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro)
Institution:  CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro
Place:  Sala 5.5, DMUC
Research Groups: -Algebra, Logic and Topology
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