Convolution complementarity problems
Description:  Convolution complementarity problems (CCP's) combine Linear Complementarity Problems with convolutions and differential equations. CCP's have the form $$ 0 \leq u(t) \perp (k*u)(t) + q(t) \geq 0 \qquad\mbox{for all } t$$ They are closely related to the Linear Complementarity Systems of Heemels, Schumacher, van der Schaft, & Weiland. Existence of solutions to CCP's is shown via a numerical discretization provided $k(0^+)$ is a P-matrix and $k(t)$ satisfies some other mild regularity conditions. Uniqueness can also be shown under some further mild conditions. These results can be applied to a simplified model of impact for the wave equation where the Signorini contact conditions are replaced by boundary integrated contact conditions.
Date:  2002-04-15
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  David Stewart (University of Iowa, USA)
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Numerical Analysis and Optimization
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