O Problema das N-membranas para sistemas degenerados não-lineares
Description:  We consider the elliptic variational inequality associated with quasilinear nonlinear systems, including those of p-Laplacian type, and with the ordering constraint of the N-membrane problem. We extend the Lewy-Stampacchia inequalities for the solution, obtaining new regularity results for the derivatives of the solution, including in the case of linear operators (p=2) integrability of second derivatives for all q>1. Considering the N-membrane problem as coupled (N-1)-obstacle problem we obtain also the corresponding conditions for the stability of the coincidence sets for the variation of external forces. This is a joint work with A. Azevedo and L. Santos.
Date:  2004-03-12
Start Time:   14.30
Speaker:  José Francisco Rodrigues (Universidade de Lisboa)
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Analysis
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