Identical involutions on pairs of tableaux
Description:  Schur functions constitute a distinguished basis for the ring of the symmetric functions. The rule of Littlewood-Richardson gives the decomposition of a product of two Schur functions in the basis of the same functions and the coefficients are the so called Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. Different combinatorial interpretations of these coefficients in terms of Young tableaux, triangles, hives or honeycombs have been considered. Littlewood-Richardson coefficients hide several symmetries and there are several Young tableau bijections for these symmetries whose relationship is sometimes obscure. I. Pak and E. Vallejo have called fundamental symmetry to any Young tableau bijection exhibiting the commutativity, and they have conjectured that four of them are equivalent. Three are based on standard algorithms on Young tableau theory. V. I. Danilov and G. A. Koshevoy have proved the conjecture for those three. We show that the fourth one is equivalent to the one based on the switching-tableau operation.
Date:  2007-04-17
Start Time:   14:45
Speaker:  Olga Azenhas (CMUC/Mat. FCTUC)
Place:  2.4
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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