Structure of quasi-crystal graphs and applications to the combinatorics of quasi-symmetric functions

Crystal graphs are powerful combinatorial tools for working with the plactic monoid and symmetric functions. Quasi-crystal graphs are an analogous concept for the hypoplactic monoid and quasi-symmetric functions.
We explicitly describe a previously observed isomorphism of components of the quasi-crystal graph, introducing a new combinatorial structure called quasi-array. As an application, we explore the interaction of fundamental quasi-symmetric functions and Schur functions, and the arrangement of quasi-crystal components within crystal components.

This is joint work with Alan Cain, António Malheiro and Fátima Rodrigues.

Date:  2024-05-29
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Inês Rodrigues (Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
Institution:  Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Place:  Room 2.4 DM
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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