Steiner bundles on algebraic varieties
Description:  (joint work with Rosa Maria Miró-Roig)
Steiner bundles on projective spaces were first defined by Dolgachev and Kapranov as vector bundles E on P^n fitting in an exact sequence of the form

0 --> /O/(-1)^s --> /O/^t --> E --> 0.

Steiner bundles have rank t-s>= n and it is well known that when equality holds Steiner bundles are stable and, in particular, simple. More recently, M. C. Brambilla studied Steiner bundles on a complex projective space P^n, for n>= 3. She characterised general Steiner bundles and gave a complete description of simple and non-simple general Steiner bundles. Moreover, she proved that any exceptional Steiner bundle on P^n is stable, for all n>=2. We generalise the notion of Steiner bundle by defining and studying a new family of vector bundles on smooth irreducible algebraic varieties. We call them /Steiner bundles of type/ (F_0,F_1). We characterise exceptional and simple general Steiner bundles of type (F_0,F_1) and we also study the stability of some exceptional Steiner bundles of type (F_0,F_1). Furthermore, we give a cohomological characterisation of these bundles.
Date:  2009-01-20
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Helena Soares (ISCTE)
Place:  5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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