Solving integro-differential problems with the Tau method: TauToolbox
Description:  The spectral Tau method delivers polynomial approximations to the solution of differential problems. The method tackles both initial and boundary value problems with ease and ensures excellent error properties, whenever the solution is smooth.
In this talk, the Lanczos' Tau method is examined from a variety of aspects to provide a stable implementation for its operational version. The ultimate goal is to deploy a robust and efficient numerical library, the Tau Toolbox. This mathematical software enables a symbolic syntax to be applied to objects to manipulate and solve differential problems with ease and accuracy. Illustrative examples of the tool will be offered.
Date:  2022-12-14
Start Time:   16:00
Speaker:  Paulo Vasconcelos (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
Institution:  CMUP, Universidade do Porto
Place:  Sala 2.5, DMUC
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