The congruent number problem
Description:  In mathematics, especially in number theory, we often encounter problems that are easy to state, but whose solution is often extremely difficult and sometimes requires sophisticated methods from other branches of mathematics. The Congruent Number Problem is one such unsolved problem that goes back thousands of years. This problem asks whether a given natural number is the area of the right triangle with rational sides or not. In my talk, I want to start by defining a congruent number, which allows us to state our problem, and I will discuss some of the current progress results. And then I'll move to introduce a notion of elliptic curve and its rational points, and I will discuss the relationship of this problem to the rational points on the elliptic curve.
Date:  2022-12-14
Start Time:   17:00
Speaker:  Nirina Albert Razafimandimby (UC|UP PhD student)
Institution:  CMUP, Universidade do Porto
Place:  Sala 2.5, DMUC
See more:   <Main>   <UC|UP MATH PhD Program>  
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