Tropicalizing moduli spaces
Description:  In algebraic geometry, the existence of moduli spaces to parametrize certain classes of objects is of central importance. Moreover, since these moduli spaces are often not compact, the construction of modular compactifications for theses spaces is very useful, as one can study them by using tools that are only available for proper spaces. In the last few years, it has been understood that often these compactifications depend on combinatorial data that can be given a tropical modular interpretation. When this is the case, one can study many properties of the original space by looking at its tropical counterpart. In the talk, I will try to explain this interplay by looking at the guiding example of the moduli space of curves.
Date:  2023-01-04
Start Time:   14:00
Speaker:  Margarida Melo (U. Roma Tre / CMUC)
Institution:  U. Roma Tre, Italy
Place:  Sala 2.5, DMUC
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