G-structures on orbifolds
Description:  Orbifolds allow us to model spaces like manifolds, but with good singularities on them, encoded by finite group actions. If these actions are effective, the frame bundle of an orbifold has a manifold structure. Besides, a linear geometric structure induces a symmetry (group action) on the frame bundle. Then, we can unify the study of linear geometric structures on orbifolds as principal subbundles of the frame bundle plus a group action G on them. Roughly speaking these are G-structures. We will use this construction to study some properties related to the presence of geometric structures on orbifolds.
Date:  2022-03-04
Start Time:   14:00
Speaker:  Sebastián Daza (PhD student, CMUC)
Institution:  UC|UP PhD Program
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Geometry
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