Mathematical modelling in solid mechanics: an example with fracking
Description:  I will present the various steps of mathematical modelling on a practical case: presentation and setting of the problem (hydraulic fracture), choice of the approach (energergetical and variational), choice of the method (topological differentiation), design of the algorithm (quasi-static and incremental), choice of the discretization (finite elements), choice of the computational language (Matlab), presentation of the numerical results and discussion. This work is part of a long-term research programme with André Novotny (LNCC, Brasil) and Marcel Xavier (UFF, Niterói, Brasil).
Date:  2020-11-06
Start Time:   11:30
Speaker:  Nicolas Van Goethem (CMAFCIO, Univ. Lisboa)
Institution:  CMAFCIO, University of Lisbon
Place:  Zoom:
Research Groups: -Numerical Analysis and Optimization
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