Euclidean, hyperbolic and spherical geometries in the Landau equation with magnetic field
Description:  We review the definition and properties of coherent states, their fundamental role in quantum mechanics as well as their most known generalizations with examples. We focus on the Gilmore-Perelomov approach in constructing coherent state by means of the representation theory of Lie groups and symmetric spaces.
As application, we construct coherent states attached to discret energy levels of a charged particle evolving in two-dimensional surfaces(Poincaré upper half-plane, Euclidean plane and Riemann sphere) under influence of a normal uniform magnetic field. We consider the integral transforms corresponding to these coherent states and we obtain characterization theorems for spaces of bound states of the particle.
Date:  2011-04-01
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Zouhair Mouayn (Sultan Moulay University, Morroco)
Institution:  Sultan Moulay University, Morroco
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Analysis
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