Odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras
Description:  In this talk we will give in detail an inductive description of odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras such that the even part is a reductive Lie algebra. We will present the construction of odd double extension of an odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras by the one-dimensional Lie algebra and generalized odd double extension of an odd-quadratic Lie superalgebra by the one-dimensional Lie superalgebra with even part zero. After that we will analyse the particular case of odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras such that the even part is a reductive Lie algebra. Contrarily to quadratic case, for odd-quadratic Lie superalgebra such that the even part is a reductive Lie algebra the action of the even part on the odd part is completely reducible. We will prove that a non-zero odd-quadratic Lie superalgebra of our type is either an algebra of Gell-Mann, Michel and Radicati $ d(n)/{ KI_{2n}}$, ($n \geq 3$), or obtained from a finite number of element of the former part by a finite sequence of generalized odd double extensions by the one-dimensional Lie superalgebra, and/or by trivial odd double extensions of simple Lie algebra, and/or by orthogonal direct sums. Finally, we will prove that a quadratic Lie superalgebra with the even part a reductive Lie algebra, with certain conditions, does not admit an odd-invariant scalar product, and vice versa.
Date:  2007-12-05
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Elisabete Barreiro (Dep. de Matemática, FCTUC)
Place:  5.5
Research Groups: -Geometry
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