Improving Efficiency in Pattern Search Methods
Description:  Pattern search methods can be made more efficient if past function evaluations are appropriately reused. This class of methods is widely used in practice due to its simplicity and easy implementation, but the corresponding algorithms have the major drawback of sometimes using many expensive function values. Although efficiency can be improved by using surrogates in the search step, the sampling process inherent to the polling step is partially responsible for the number of function values required. In this talk we will introduce a number of ways of reusing previous evaluations of the objective function to improve the efficiency of a pattern search iteration. For instance, at each iteration of a pattern search method, one can attempt to compute an accurate simplex gradient by identifying a sampling set of previous iterates with good geometrical properties. This simplex gradient can then be used to reorder the evaluations of the objective function associated with the positive spanning set or positive basis used in the poll step. But it can also be used to update the mesh size parameter according to a sufficient decrease criterion. None of these modifications demands new function evaluations. Surrogate-models based on simplex derivatives can also be considered in the search step. We will present these procedures in detail and apply them to a set of problems which includes test problems from the CUTEr collection and two applications problems (one related to the simulation of a mechanical system with contact and another resulting from parameter estimation in astrophysics). The numerical results show that these procedures can enhance significantly the practical performance of pattern search methods. This is joint work with Luís Nunes Vicente (Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC e Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra).
Date:  2006-03-08
Start Time:   14.30
Speaker:  Ana Luísa Custódio (FCT, UNL, CMUC)
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Numerical Analysis and Optimization
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