On the convergence of solutions of discretized minimization problems
Description:  In this talk elements of a discretization theory for minimization problems are presented. A characteristic feature of this theory is its relation to well-known theories tailored for applications to differential and integral equations, e.g. Ritz-Galerkin, colocation or finite difference methods. Such theories start with the fundamental work by Lax & Richtmyer and have been further developed in the framework of Stummel's discrete approximations. A central role in the latter theory plays the class of approximation-regular operator pairs. It turns out that this class is also suitable for the treatment of discretizations of minimization problems. The talk is concerned with the presentation of the main concept and some applications of the abstract results to semi-infinite programming problems, regularization methods or discretizations with finite elements. The talk is based on earlier work by R.M. Reemtsen and the author.
Date:  2001-09-12
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Rolf Dieter Grigorieff (Technical University Berlin, Germany)
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Numerical Analysis and Optimization
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