Non-associative algebras as the core of a calculus for nonlinear nonautonomous ODEs
Description:  Flows of nonautonomous nonlinear ODEs are difficult to deal in general, since a nonautonomous vector field do not commute at different instants of time. We will show that vector fields and flows as differential geometry objects can be regarded as linear operators in a Fréchét space, allowing the construction of a well suited linear calculus. In particular, nonlinear control problems can be successfully manipulated using these tools, giving new results in Lyapunov stability or integrability of subriemannian geodesics. Many of their proprieties and relations can be nicely formulated using special non-associative algebras as shuffle algebras, chronological algebras and zinbiel algebras. If we have time, we will also present a formal version of this calculus on a Hopf algebra.
KEYWORDS: non-associative algebras, differential equations, free Lie algebras, nonlinear control theory
Date:  2004-11-02
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Eugénio Rocha (Universidade de Aveiro)
Place:  Sala 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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