Hydrodynamic limit of the multi-component slow boundary WASEP with collisions

In this joint work with Patrícia Gonçalves (IST-ULisboa) and Alexandre Simas (KAUST), we study the hydrodynamic limit for a stochastic interacting particle system whose dynamics consists of a superposition of several dynamics:  the exclusion rule, that dictates that no more than a particle per site with a fixed velocity is allowed; a collision dynamics, that dictates that particles at the same site can collide and originate particles with new velocities such that the linear momentum is conserved; a boundary dynamics that injects and removes particle in the system. This last dynamic destroys the conservation law, and its strength is regulated by a parameter \( \theta \). The goal is the derivation of the hydrodynamic limit, and the boundary conditions change drastically according to the value of \( \theta \).

Date:  2024-01-10
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Oslenne Nogueira Araújo (CMUC)
Institution:  CMUC, University of Coimbra
Place:  Room 5.4 and remotely (https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93142975971?pwd=UFFlTjFDZmpwYU5aRFllck1oOEVqdz09)
Research Groups: -Analysis
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