Compact complex surfaces of genus 0
Description:  There is only one compact complex curve of genus 0, the Riemann sphere. In the XIX century M. Noether conjectured a similar statement in dimension 2: is every compact complex surface without nonzero holomorphic differential forms a rational surface? The first counterexample to this conjecture was given by F. Enriques in the 1896.
Enriques' example lead to new questions and conjectures about the existence of surfaces without nonzero holomorphic differential forms with special properties. I will report on the story of these questions, and construct some of these surfaces.
Date:  2009-06-09
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Roberto Pignatelli (Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy)
Institution:  Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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