Relations between Mathematics and Society: entering a new age
Description:  In today's society, mathematics is present more widely than ever before, but this fact is rarely acknowledged, even by mathematicians. This is not an easy matter since the image of mathematics is often distorted, and obstructs the correct perception of its role by a lack of understanding of what mathematics is really about and how it functions and develops. One has to analyse what makes mathematics special among the sciences and why the development of modern societies requires more mathematics. But one also needs to better understand how mathematics is perceived by groups of people that have to deal with it in some way or another. Elaborating on the ordinary perception of mathematics, I will present what I see as a basis for a new relationship between mathematics and the society at large.
Date:  2002-11-06
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
Place:  Sala Pedro Nunes
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