The Geometry of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds
Description:  In the talk I will present the main results of our systematic study of 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds, conducted in collaboration with B. Cappelletti Montano and G. Dileo. In particular we prove that the three Reeb vector fields generate an involutive distribution determining a canonical totally geodesic and Riemannian foliation. Locally, the leaves of this foliation turn out to be Lie groups: either the orthogonal group or an abelian one. We show that 3-quasi-Sasakian manifolds have a well-defined rank, since the ranks of the three Sasakian structures always coincide, obtaining a rank-based classification. Furthermore, we prove a decomposition theorem for these manifolds assuming the integrability of one of the almost product structures. Finally, we show that the vertical distribution is a minimum of the corrected energy.
Date:  2007-10-19
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Antonio De Nicola (CMUC)
Place:  5.5
Research Groups: -Geometry
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