Category Theory: history, basics and monads
Description:  The aim of my seminar is to present a brief introduction to basics in category theory and to quote some applications of it. Precisely my seminar is divided into four parts. Some lines of the history of category theory, a quoting of some applications in several branches of mathematics, a short but detailed recap of the notions of category, functor between categories, natural transformation between functors, equivalence of categories and adjunction between functors. The definition of monad in a category and why this notion is important in mathematics is also mentioned.
Date:  2022-11-09
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Federico Rizzetto (UC|UP PhD student)
Institution:  CMUC, University of Coimbra
Place:  Sala 2.5, DMUC
See more:   <Main>   <UC|UP MATH PhD Program>  
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