Blow-ups of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids
Description:  In the presentation, we will go into the (projective) blow-up construction for Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids. In the literature, there are different methods to be found on how to do this, especially for Lie groupoids. The main goal of the talk will be to explain the blow-up construction for Lie groupoids by Claire Debord and Georges Skandalis and to show that, analogously, we obtain a general geometric blow-up construction for Lie algebroids. This construction for Lie algebroids coincides with the construction of lower elementary modification in the codimension one case (by e.g. Songhao Li and Marco Gualtieri, Melinda Lanius, or Ralph Klaasse). Moreover, we will shortly discuss how the blow-up construction for Lie groupoids by Songhao Li and Marco Gualtieri, and the construction by Kirsten Wang, fit into the general setting of Debord and Skandalis. The blow-up construction by Debord and Skandalis relies on the theory of deformation to the normal cones. In the presentation this type of deformation spaces will be discussed and we will see that these spaces have nice properties. If time permits, we will briefly go into very interesting applications of these objects to normal form theorems.
Date:  2022-03-04
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Lennart Obster (PhD student, CMUC)
Institution:  UC|UP PhD Program
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Geometry
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