Maths for crime prediction
Description:  It is undeniable that an unfortunate aspect of modern life, technologically and economically more developed, is the presence of crime distributed in major urban areas. This does not only affect countries like Portugal or the European continent, but is experienced in all countries around the world. Is possible to perceive that although crime has a ubiquitous character, this does not seem to be uniformly distributed both spatially and temporally.

In criminology, mathematical models can be very useful tools in the fight against crime. In fact, criminal activities have evolved in tandem with changes in technology. Crime has become more sophisticated, organised and transnational. With the changing nature of crime, the traditional approaches to tackle it are quickly becoming obsolete and there is a growing need for a new way of thinking to face that challenge head on.

In this seminar we consider a nonlinear cross-diffusion reaction model for the problem of prevention of residential burglaries and present some numerical results that show the importance of such models in real applications.

Date:  2019-12-11
Start Time:   11:00
Speaker:  Adérito Araújo (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Institution:  CMUC, Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
Place:  Sala 0.04, DMat UPorto
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