
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, (2024). On the simple transposed Poisson algebras and Jordan superalgebra. Journal of Algebra. Vol. 641, pp. 173-198. Export
FERREIRA, José Augusto, OLIVEIRA, Paula de, SILVA, Pascoal da, (2024). Respiratory particles: from analytical estimates to disease transmission. Journal of Mathematics in Industry. Vol. 14. Article number 1, pp. 1-22. Export
ARAÚJO, Damião J., SÁ, Ginaldo S., URBANO, José Miguel, (2024). Sharp regularity for a singular fully nonlinear parabolic free boundary problem. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 389, pp. 90-113. Export
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, PAIVA, Valeria de, FUNK, Jonathon, (Eds.). (2024). Special issue of Theory and Applications of Categories in honour of Professor Marta Bunge. [Special Issue]. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. (1). Export
CLAIN, Stéphane, FIGUEIREDO, J., (2024). Stencil and kernel optimisation for mesh-free very high-order generalised finite difference method. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Vol. 218, pp. 49-78. Export
SUZUKI, Alexandre, (2024). Sturm's comparison theorem for classical discrete orthogonal polynomials. Results in Mathematics. Vol. 79. 4, Article number 153, pp. 1-13. Export
GRIFFITH, Matthew, ARAÚJO, Adérito, TRAVASSO, Rui, SALVADOR, Armindo, (2024). The architecture of redox microdomains: Cascading gradients and peroxiredoxins' redox-oligomeric coupling integrate redox signaling and antioxidant protection. Redox Biology. Vol. 69. Article number 103000, pp. 1-14. Export
GORDILLO NÚÑEZ, Guillermo, ALVAREZ-NODARSE, Renato, QUINTERO, Niurka R., (2024). The complete solution of the Schrödinger equation with the Rosen-Morse type potential via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. Vol. 458, pp. 1-12. Export
MANUELL, Graham, (2024). Uniform locales and their constructive aspects. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 8, pp. 238-267. Export
AZENHAS, Olga, SANTOS, João, (2023). Cocrystals of symplectic Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux, symplectic Willis like direct way, virtual keys and applications. DMUC 23-38 Preprint. Export
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