
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
GORDILLO NÚÑEZ, Guillermo, ALVAREZ-NODARSE, Renato, QUINTERO, Niurka R., (2024). The complete solution of the Schrödinger equation with the Rosen-Morse type potential via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. Vol. 458, pp. 1-12. Export
MANUELL, Graham, (2024). Uniform locales and their constructive aspects. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 8, pp. 238-267. Export
AZENHAS, Olga, SANTOS, João, (2023). Cocrystals of symplectic Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux, symplectic Willis like direct way, virtual keys and applications. DMUC 23-38 Preprint. Export
PIMENTEL, Edgard, (2023). O que é racionalidade?. Export
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, JANELIDZE, George, (2023). Effective descent morphisms of filtered preorders. DMUC 23-37 Preprint. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel, (2023). Spectral theory for bounded banded matrices with positive bidiagonal factorization and mixed multiple orthogonal polynomials. Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 434. Article number 109313, pp. 1-48. Export
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, RODELO, Diana, (2023). A note on Mal'tsev objects. DMUC 23-36 Preprint. Export
ADÁMEK, Jirí, SOUSA, Lurdes, (2023). A finitary adjoint functor theorem. DMUC 23-35 Preprint. Export
GIOVANNELLI, Tommaso, SOHAB, Oumaima, VICENTE, Luís Nunes, (2023). The limitation of neural nets for approximation and optimization. arXiv:2311.12253 Preprint. Export
PLUNDER, Steffen, DANESIN, Cathy, GLISE, Bruno, FERREIRA, Marina A., MERINO ACEITUNO, Sara, THEVENEAU, Eric, (2023). Modelling variability and heterogeneity of EMT scenarios highlights nuclear positioning and protrusions as main drivers of extrusion. bioRxiv: 10.1101/2023.11.17.567510 Preprint. Export
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