
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
ABDELLAOUI, B., COLORADO, Eduardo, SANCHÓN, Manel, (2006). Regularity of entropy solutions of quasilinear elliptic problems related to Hardy-Sobolev inequalities. Advanced Nonlinear Studies. Vol. 6. 4, pp. 547-562. Export
ABDELLAOUI, Boumediene, COLORADO, Eduardo, SANCHÓN, Manel, (2006). Regularity of entropy solutions of quasilinear elliptic problems related with Hardy-Sobolev inequalities. DMUC 06-31 Preprint. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, (2022). The algebraic and geometric classification of nilpotent Lie triple systems up to dimension four. arXiv:2209.06403 Preprint. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, (2023). The algebraic and geometric classification of nilpotent Lie triple systems up to dimension four. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas e Naturales Serie A - Matemáticas. Vol. 117. 1, Article number 11, pp. 1-27. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, (2023). The algebraic classification and degenerations of nilpotent Poisson algebras. Journal of Algebra. Vol. 615, pp. 243-277. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2023). Decomposition of linear operators on pre-Euclidean spaces by means of graphs. Mathematics. Vol. 11. 3, Article Number 7254, pp. 1-12. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, GONZÁLEZ, Cándido Martín, (2022). Degenerations of Poisson algebras. arXiv:2209.09150 Preprint. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, GONZÁLEZ, Cándido Martín, Degenerations of Poisson algebras. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications Export
ABRAMSKY, Samson, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, STREET, Ross, (Eds.). (2009). Applied Categorical Structures - Special issue: Semi-abelian categories. Berlin: Springer. Export
ABRAMSKY, Samson, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, STREET, Ross, (Eds.). (2009). Applied Categorical Structures - Special issue: Topology and Homotopy. Berlin: Springer. Export
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