The type Cn Berestein-Kirillov group (Preprint)

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Type: Preprint
National /International: International
Title: The type Cn Berestein-Kirillov group
Publication Date: 2023-11-16
Authors: - Olga Azenhas
- Mojdeh Tarighat Feller
- Jacinta Torres

We define Bender-Knuth involutions for Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux of type \( C_n \) via partial symplectic Schützenberger-Lusztig (SL) involutions and thereby a symplectic analogue of the Berenstein-Kirillov group. We use the symplectic cactus group as well as the virtualization of Kashiwara-Nakashima tableaux by Baker.

Institution: DMUC 23-34
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