Publications (Preprint)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
NEVES, Jorge, (2023). On the socle of Artinian algebras associated to graphs. arXiv:2303.02019 Preprint. Export
CALDERÓN, Antonio J., FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, KAYGORODOV, Ivan, (2023). Non-degenerate evolution algebras. arXiv:2303.00862 Preprint. Export
BORLIDO, Célia, SUAREZ, Anna Laura, (2023). Pervin spaces and Frith frames: bitopological aspects and completion. DMUC 23-07 Preprint. Export
FERREIRA, José Augusto, OLIVEIRA, Paula de, SILVA, Pascoal da, (2023). Respiratory particles: from analytical estimates to disease transmission. DMUC 23-06 Preprint. Export
GIOVANNELLI, Tommaso, KENT, Griffin, VICENTE, Luís Nunes, (2023). Bilevel optimization with a multi-objective lower-level problem: Risk-neutral and risk-averse formulations. arXiv:2302.05540 Preprint. Export
BERNARDES, Raquel, (2023). Measurable functions on \(\sigma\)-frames. DMUC 23-04 Preprint. Export
MBOUNA, Dieudonné, SUZUKI, Alexandre, (2023). Some Appell-type orthogonal polynomials on lattices. DMUC 23-03 Preprint. Export
BROX, Jose, ALBUQUERQUE, Helena, (2023). The determinant, spectral properties, and inverse of a tridiagonal \(k\)-Toeplitz matrix over a commutative ring. DMUC 23-02 Preprint. Export
BIANCA, Vincenzo, PIMENTEL, Edgard, URBANO, José Miguel, (2023). BMO-regularity for a degenerate transmission problem. DMUC 23-01 Preprint. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel, (2023). Banded matrices and their orthogonality. arXiv:2307.08081 Preprint. Export
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