Publications (Preprint)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
TEYMURAZYAN, Rafayel, (2024). The fractional Laplacian: a primer. DMUC 24-05 Preprint. Export
MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis, SOARES, Diogo, (2024). A characterization of one-element commutation classes. DMUC 24-04 Preprint. Export
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis, (2024). Hamilton cycles for involutions of classical type. DMUC 24-03 Preprint. Export
ABDELWAHAB, Hani, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2024). Decompositions of linear operators on pre-euclidean spaces by means of graphs. arXiv:2401.12916 Preprint. Export
BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., LOPES, Samuel, SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2024). Leibniz algebras and graphs. arXiv:2401.13018 Preprint. Export
BARREIRO, Elisabete, BENAYADI, Said, NAVARRO, Rosa M., SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2024). Odd-quadratic Lie superalgebras with a weak filiform module as an odd part. arXiv:2401.13017 Preprint. Export
ALBUQUERQUE, Helena, BARREIRO, Elisabete, CALDERÓN, Antonio J., SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2024). On split regular Hom-Lie superalgebras. arXiv:2401.13710 Preprint. Export
BARREIRO, Elisabete, BENAYADI, Said, NAVARRO, Rosa M., SÁNCHEZ, José M., (2024). Quadratic symplectic Lie superalgebras over filiform modules. arXiv:2401.13711 Preprint. Export
GOMES, Filipe, PIMENTEL, Edgard, (2024). On super-solutions to fully nonlinear equations with measurable ingredients. DMUC 24-02 Preprint. Export
HOEFNAGEL, Michael, RODELO, Diana, (2024). Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. DMUC 24-01 Preprint. Export
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