Publications (Preprint)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
JANELIDZE, George, SOBRAL, Manuela, (2023). A note on idempotent semirings. DMUC 23-25 Preprint. Export
FERREIRA, José Augusto, PENA, Gonçalo, (2023). FDM/FEM for nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction equations with Neumann boundary conditions - convergence analysis for smooth and nonsmooth solutions. DMUC 23-24 Preprint. Export
FERREIRA, José Augusto, GUDIÑO, Elias, GRASSI, Mario, OLIVEIRA, Paula de, (2023). Non-Fickian diffusion enhanced by temperature. DMUC 23-23 Preprint. Export
CASTILLO, Kenier, MBOUNA, Dieudonné, (2023). Epilegomena to the study of semiclassical polynomials. DMUC 23-21 Preprint. Export
BIANCA, Vincenzo, PIMENTEL, Edgard, URBANO, José Miguel, (2023). Transmission problems: regularity theory, interfaces and beyond. DMUC 23-20 Preprint. Export
BIANCA, Vincenzo, PIMENTEL, Edgard, URBANO, José Miguel, (2023). Improved regularity for a Hessian-dependent functional. DMUC 23-19 Preprint. Export
CASEIRO, Raquel, NUNES DA COSTA, Joana Margarida, (2023). Embedding tensors on Lie ∞-algebras with respect to Lie ∞-actions. DMUC 23-18 Preprint. Export
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo, (2023). Diameter of a commutation class on reduced words. DMUC 23-17 Preprint. Export
FERREIRA, Marina A., FRANCO, Eugenia, LUKKARINEN, Jani, NOTA, Alessia, VELÁZQUEZ, Juan J. L., (2023). Coagulation equations with source leading to anomalous self-similarity. arXiv:2305.16921 Preprint. Export
MANUELL, Graham, WRIGLEY, Joshua L., (2023). The representing localic groupoid for a geometric theory. DMUC 23-16 Preprint. Export
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