Publications (Preprint)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
ALCANTARA, Claudemir, PIMENTEL, Edgard, URBANO, José Miguel, (2024). Hessian regularity in Hölder spaces for a semi-linear bi-Laplacian equation. DMUC 24-19 Preprint. Export
CARVALHO E SILVA, Jaime, Costa, C., (2024). A divulgação da História da Matemática através das enciclopédias. DMUC 24-18 Preprint. Export
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, VÁKÁR, Matthijs, (2024). Free doubly-infinitary distributive categories are cartesian closed. DMUC 24-16 Preprint. Export
BARBEIRO, Sílvia, HENRIQUES, Rafael, SANTOS, José Luis, (2024). A quadratic optimization program for the inverse elastography problem. DMUC 24-15 Preprint. Export
BORCEUX, Francis, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, (2024). On toposes, algebraic theories, semi-abelian categories and compact Hausdorff spaces. DMUC 24-12 Preprint. Export
BARBEIRO, Sílvia, HENRIQUES, Rafael, SANTOS, José Luis, (2024). The derivative free trust-region method for the inverse elastography problem. DMUC 24-13 Preprint. Export
LANDO, Tommaso, ARAB, Idir, OLIVEIRA, Paulo Eduardo, (2024). Inequalities and bounds for expected order statistics from transform-ordered families. DMUC 24-11 Preprint. Export
KOVACEC, Alexander, (2024). Generating affine polynomials nonnegative on regions of the form a1 ≤ a2 ≤ ⋯ ≤an ≤ 1. DMUC 24-10 Preprint. Export
ARAÚJO, Damião J., TEYMURAZYAN, Rafayel, (2024). Interacting free boundaries in obstacle problems. DMUC 24-09 Preprint. Export
IGBIDA, Noureddine, URBANO, José Miguel, (2024). A granular model for crowd motion and pedestrian flow. DMUC 24-08 Preprint. Export
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