Publications (Journal Article)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
GORDILLO NÚÑEZ, Guillermo, ALVAREZ-NODARSE, Renato, QUINTERO, Niurka R., (2024). The complete solution of the Schrödinger equation with the Rosen-Morse type potential via the Nikiforov-Uvarov method. Physica D-Nonlinear Phenomena. Vol. 458, pp. 1-12. Export
MANUELL, Graham, (2024). Uniform locales and their constructive aspects. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 8, pp. 238-267. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel, (2023). Spectral theory for bounded banded matrices with positive bidiagonal factorization and mixed multiple orthogonal polynomials. Advances in Mathematics. Vol. 434. Article number 109313, pp. 1-48. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel, (2023). Bidiagonal factorization of tetradiagonal matrices and Darboux transformations. Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 13. 3, Article Number 42, pp. 1-19. Export
ANDRADE, Aline Jaqueline de Oliveira , BARREIRO, Elisabete, FERREIRA, Bruno Leonardo Macedo, (2023). *-Lie-type maps on alternative *-algebras. Journal of Algebra and its Applications. Vol. 22. 6, Article number 2350130, pp. 1-10. Export
XU, Wei-Ru, BEBIANO, Natália, SHU, Qian-Yu, FENG, Ting-Ting, (2023). A divide-and-conquer method for constructing a pseudo-Jacobi matrix from mixed given data. Linear Algebra and its Applications. Vol. 674, pp. 256-281. Export
ARRIETA, Igor, AVILEZ, Ana Belén, (2023). A general insertion theorem for uniform locales. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol. 227. 7, Article number 107320, pp. 1-24. Export
FERREIRA, José Augusto, GÓMEZ, Hugo Peña, PINTO, Luís, (2023). A numerical scheme for a partial differential system motivated by light-triggered drug delivery. Applied Numerical Mathematics. Vol. 184, pp. 101-120. Export
BORLIDO, Célia, SUAREZ, Anna Laura, (2023). A pointfree theory of Pervin spaces. Quaestiones Mathematicae. Vol. 46. 11, pp. 2287-2326. Export
COSTA, Alfredo, (2023). A profinite approach to complete bifix decodings of recurrent languages. Forum Mathematicum. Vol. 35. 4, pp. 1021-1045. Export
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