Groups, Topology and Applications
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Abstract: The evergrowing trend is making mathematics and science in general more inter and multi disciplinary. Often, it is at the frontier of two different branches of mathematics and at the frontier of mathematics with other sciences, where we see the breakthrough ideas resolve long-standing problems. This idea has shaped today's management of science, which puts the emphasis on the fundamental science, but at the same time at expanding the scope of pure science in both other branches as well as in real life applications. Our research group, Groups, Topology and Applications, as its name suggests covers two areas of basic research, Group Theory and Topology and seeks to explore their interactions as well as applications to other areas such as Logic, Computer Science and Medicine.
State of the art:  
Methodology: The three main lines of research of the group are Group Theory, Topology and its Applications.



© Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra, funded by
Science and Technology Foundation
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