2023 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
Description: A regular initiative of the UC|UP Graduate Program in Mathematics, the Summer School offers mini-courses by international experts working on topics related to the scientific scope of the Program.

Registration is free of charge, though mandatory.

A limited amount of financial support is available for students interested in attending the Summer School. To apply for financial support, send a motivation letter and the transcripts of relevant degrees to summerschool2023@mat.uc.pt. Also, arrange for a letter of recommendation to be sent directly by the recommendant to summerschool2023@mat.uc.pt.

The deadline to apply for financial support is May 2, 2023.

Organisers: Raquel Caseiro, Alfredo Costa, Edgard A. Pimentel and Ercília Sousa

Contact: summerschool2023@mat.uc.pt

More information: www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog/summerschool2023

Place:   DMUC
URL:  https://www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog/summerschool2023/
Start Date:   2023-09-11
End Date:   2023-09-22
See more:   <Main>   <UC|UP MATH PhD Program>  
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