Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from PDE to interfaces

On the occasion of the European Congress of Mathematics ECM2024, we are organising a Satellite Conference in Coimbra (Portugal) entitled Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from PDE to interfaces. It will occur at the University of Coimbra from 22 to 26 July 2024.

The Satellite aims to gather international, top-level researchers working in partial differential equations (mostly regularity theory for PDE, free boundary problems, and related topics). Among the subjects covered by the scientific program, we highlight regularity theory for quasilinear equations (including degenerate models), fully nonlinear PDE, transmission and free transmission problems, equations arising in differential geometry and probability, and regularity theory in the calculus of variations and applications. The scientific program consists of mini-courses, plenary lectures and contributed talks. 


Place:   DMUC, University of Coimbra
Start Date:   2024-07-22
End Date:   2024-07-26
Research Groups: -Analysis
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