Seminars - Historic

<Theme details>

Extremal index and periodicity for chaotic dynamical systems
Speaker: Ana Cristina Freitas (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
The extremal index appears as a parameter in Extreme Value Laws, characterising the clustering of extreme events. We apply this idea to a dynamical systems context to analyse the possible extreme value laws for the stochastic process generated by observations taken along dynamical orbits. We...

Tropicalizing moduli spaces
Speaker: Margarida Melo (U. Roma Tre / CMUC)
In algebraic geometry, the existence of moduli spaces to parametrize certain classes of objects is of central importance. Moreover, since these moduli spaces are often not compact, the construction of modular compactifications for theses spaces is very useful, as one can study them by using...

On the holonomy group
Speaker: Hamza Bakhouch (UC|UP PhD student)
In differential geometry, a differential structure on a topological space allows us to see locally our space like a Euclidean space. A foliation structure on a differential manifold allows us to see the manifold, locally as a family of "horizontal" (lines/planes/hyperplanes...) and...

The congruent number problem
Speaker: Nirina Albert Razafimandimby (UC|UP PhD student)
In mathematics, especially in number theory, we often encounter problems that are easy to state, but whose solution is often extremely difficult and sometimes requires sophisticated methods from other branches of mathematics. The Congruent Number Problem is one such unsolved problem that...

Solving integro-differential problems with the Tau method: TauToolbox
Speaker: Paulo Vasconcelos (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
The spectral Tau method delivers polynomial approximations to the solution of differential problems. The method tackles both initial and boundary value problems with ease and ensures excellent error properties, whenever the solution is smooth.In this talk, the Lanczos' Tau method is examined...

Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation in stimuli responsive drug delivery systems
Speaker: José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Stimuli responsive drug delivery systems are medical devices that are able to deliver drugs locally in the target tissue in a controlled way and without affecting the healthy tissues. The drugs are encapsulated in nanostructures that able to be safely transported to the target tissue where...

Duality: from theory to applications
Speaker: Célia Borlido (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
In 1936, Marshall H. Stone proved the so-called Stone's representation Theorem for Boolean algebras, thus establishing a duality between Boolean algebras and certain topological spaces. Inspired by Stone's result, many dualities between suitable categories of topological spaces and of...

An introduction to the localic approach to topology
Speaker: Jorge Picado (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
A topological space is a set of points along with a topology, a system of subsets called open sets that with the operations of union (as join) and intersection (as meet) forms a lattice with certain properties. In the localic approach to topology one forgets about points and thinks about a...

Riemann surfaces, line bundles and divisors
Speaker: Gabriel Martinho (UC|UP PhD student)
Line bundles are fundamental objects in geometry, generalizing some properties of tangent and cotangent bundles of manifolds. In algebraic geometry, it is common to consider line bundles over compact Riemann surfaces. On the other hand, it is also frequent to make use of divisors on these...

Digging into fractional diffusion equations
Speaker: Ercília Sousa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Diffusion models, involving differential equations with non-integer order derivatives, have lately become extremely popular because it is believed they can describe the observed reality more accurately than models based on integer order derivatives. They have been appearing in several...

Wave propagation in viscoelastic materials
Speaker: Afonso Costa (UC|UP PhD student)
Here we present a study of a problem that describes the displacement of a wave in a viscoelastic material. To the problem are established existence, uniqueness and stability results. Furthermore, a numerical method is proposed, a semi-discrete defined over a non-uniform partition and the...

Hamilton's equations and symplectic numerical methods
Speaker: Gonçalo Oliveira (UC|UP PhD student)
Hamilton's equations can be used to model many problems in the real world, and these equations could present several properties. Thus, in this talk, we are going to study numerical methods that preserve such properties, such as the Symplectic Euler Method. ...

Category Theory: history, basics and monads
Speaker: Federico Rizzetto (UC|UP PhD student)
The aim of my seminar is to present a brief introduction to basics in category theory and to quote some applications of it. Precisely my seminar is divided into four parts. Some lines of the history of category theory, a quoting of some applications in several branches of mathematics, a...

Modelling light propagation in the cornea
Speaker: Milene Santos (UC|UP PhD student)
To model the incidence and reflection of light in the cornea, we can use the Maxwell's equations. In this talk, we focus on the Maxwell's equations in the time-harmonic form which translates into the Helmholtz equation. We propose a numerical method based on nodal discontinuous Galerkin...

Riemann's Zeta Function
Speaker: Adriana Cardoso (UC|UP PhD student)
The Riemann's Zeta function is a very interesting mathematical object, due to its relation to the prime numbers and to the Riemann's Hypothesis, proposed in 1859 and still to this day unanswered. In this seminar, we will see some equivalents to the famous hypothesis, involving the...

3-manifolds, knots and surfaces
Speaker: João Nogueira (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
We will survey the motivation and history of 3-manifold topology, together with its twin subject of knot theory, giving emphasis to the importance of surfaces and groups on the understanding of these subjects. Under this framework, we will review some recent developments and guiding open...

The Karoubi envelope of a semigroup
Speaker: Alfredo Costa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
The importance for Semigroup Theory of the Karoubi envelope of a semigroup became apparent in the 1980s with the Delay Theorem. This result fits in a framework that was since the 1960s one of the main driving forces of Semigroup Theory: the connections between semigroups and formal...

Simple modules over skew polynomial rings
Speaker: Paula Carvalho (CMUP, FCUP)
We consider the structure of modules over Noetherian rings. A Noetherian ring S whose simple modules have the property that their finitely generated essential extensions are Artinian is said to satisfy property (⋄). For commutative Noetherian rings the validity of (⋄) is due to...

A quantum system with a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian
Speaker: Natália Bebiano (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
In the last decades non-Hermitian operators with real eigenvalues appeared in Quantum Mechanics (QM) and in other areas of Physics, e.g. Quantum Optics, Quantum Fluid Dynamics, and Quantum Field Theory, just to mention a few. We discuss the quantum mechanical setting of a system described...

An algebraic-topological approach to the classification of formal languages
Speaker: Jorge Almeida (CMUP, FCUP)
Pervasive in mathematical linguistics and computer science, (formal) languages present many interesting and difficult problems. Various mathematical theories have been developed to deal with them. Of particular importance is the classification of languages in various classes of interest,...

Representations of fundamental groups of surfaces
Speaker: Peter Gothen (CMUP, FCUP)
We consider representations of the fundamental group of a closed surface in the group SL(2,R). To each such representation one can associate an integer invariant called the Toledo invariant. A theorem of J. Milnor says that the absolute value of the Toledo invariant is less than or equal to...

A glance at Poisson manifolds, Courant algebroids and Lie-infinity algebras
Speaker: Joana Nunes da Costa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
The goal of the talk is to give an overview of some aspects of Poisson geometry. I will start with the definition of Poisson manifold, then I will introduce Courant algebroids. Finally, I will present recent topics where I've been working on, related to Courant algebroids and Lie-infinity...

3-manifolds, knots and surfaces
Speaker: João Nogueira (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
We will survey the motivation and history of 3-manifold topology, together with its twin subject of knot theory, giving emphasis to the importance of surfaces and groups on the understanding of these subjects. Under this framework, we will review some recent developments and guiding...

Enriched functional limit theorems for chaotic dynamics and heavy tailed observables
Speaker: Jorge Freitas (CMUP, FCUP)
We consider stochastic processes arising from chaotic systems by evaluating an heavy tailed observable function along the orbits of the system. We prove the convergence of a normalised sum process to a Lévy process with excursions, designed to describe the oscillations observed during...

Why I like noncommutative algebra: a tour of symmetry, geometry and mathematical physics
Speaker: Samuel Lopes (CMUP, FCUP)
I will start by motivating the study of noncommutative algebra and representation theory through examples rooted in symmetry, geometry and mathematical physics. Then I will talk about more specific aspects of my research interests....

From Krohn-Rhodes theory to Markov chains
Speaker: Pedro Silva (CMUP, FCUP)
In the early sixties, Krohn-Rhodes theory became a cornerstone of both finite semigroup theory and automata theory. The theory expanded subsequently in different directions, including the infinite setting and applications to the theory of Markov chains. The results mentioned are joint work...

Algebraic geometry with computer algebra
Speaker: Carlos Rito (CMUP)
The goal of the talk is to highlight the usefulness of modern computer algebra tools in the study of more classic algebraic geometry problems. I will give some examples related to my research on Schoen surfaces, Godeaux surfaces and the canonical map of surfaces of general type....

Why I like noncommutative algebra: A tour of symmetry, geometry and mathematical physics
Speaker: Samuel Lopes (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
I will start by motivating the study or noncommutative algebra and representation theory through examples rooted in symmetry, geometry and mathematical physics. Then I will talk about more specific aspects of my research interests....

A new algorithm for the multiobjective minimum spanning tree
Speaker: José Luís Santos (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
In this talk a new algorithm for the multiobjective minimum spanning tree problem is presented. It is based on a label algorithm for the multiobjective shortest path problem in a transformed network and can be used with any number of criteria. Some...

Commutation classes of the reduced words for the longest element of the symmetric group
Speaker: Ricardo Mamede (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Using the standard Coxeter presentation for the symmetric group, two reduced expressions for the same group element w are said to be commutationally equivalent if one expression can be obtained from the other one  by applying a finite sequence of commutations. The commutation...

Laws of rare events for chaotic dynamics
Speaker: Ana Cristina Moreira de Freitas (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
The extremal index appears as a parameter in Extreme Value Laws, characterising the clustering of extreme events. We apply this idea to a dynamical systems context to analyse the possible extreme value laws for the stochastic process generated by observations taken along dynamical orbits....

The Schroedinger problem
Speaker: Dmitry Vorotnikov (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Schroedinger’s hot gas experiment aimed for determining the most likely evolution between two subsequent observations of a cloud of particles. Seemingly purely stochastic, this problem can be translated into a geometric language. Given a fixed functional on a Riemannian...

Statistical stability in chaotic systems (CANCELLED)

José Ferreira Alves (CMUP, Univ. Porto)

We will make a brief introduction to the theory of dynamical systems, focusing our attention on the class of chaotic systems. We will pay special attention to the Lorenz attractor, well known for the "butterfly effect". We will see that, despite the impossibility of predicting...

Training reaction diffusion models for image restoration
Speaker: Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Image restoration is one of the major concerns in image processing with many interesting applications. In the last decades there has been intensive research around the topic and hence new approaches are constantly emerging. Partial differential equation (PDE) based models, namely of...

Unfolding a Bykov attractor: from an attracting torus to strange attractors
Speaker: Alexandre Rodrigues (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
We present a comprehensive mechanism for the emergence of strange attractors in a two-parametric family of differential equations acting on a three-dimensional sphere. When both parameters are zero, its flow exhibits an attracting heteroclinic network (Bykov network) made by two...

Geometry and Topology of Higgs bundles moduli spaces
Speaker: André Oliveira (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
A Higgs bundle over a Riemann surface is a pair consisting of a vector bundle together with some extra data. Their moduli spaces are quasi-projective varieties which naturally appear in many different areas of Mathematics and even of Physics. In this talk, we will take a general overview...

An introduction to combinatorial commutative algebra
Speaker: Jorge Neves (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Combinatorial Commutative Algebra comes of age following the works of Richard Stanley in the late seventies of the last century. A typical research problem consists of associating an ideal (or ring) to a given type of structure (simplicial complexes, graphs, polytopes, matroids, etc.) and to...

On orthogonal polynomials and their applications
Speaker: José Carlos Petronilho (CMUC, University of Coimbra)
In this talk we will give an overview of the theory of orthogonal polynomials (OP), focusing on the so-called inverse problems. The problems to be considered arise in the framework of Sobolev OP and the theory of polynomial mappings. We will point out several applications, including...

Specht modules for general diagrams, their Schur functions, and Mondrian tableaux
Speaker: Olga Azenhas (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
The question of how to decompose a Specht module, for an arbitary diagram, into irreducible submodules, is not yet known. Similar question for Schur functions for arbitrary diagrams. We discuss known results for skew shapes, in particular, border strips, or forests, and the role of R. Liu's...

Maths for crime prediction
Speaker: Adérito Araújo (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
It is undeniable that an unfortunate aspect of modern life, technologically and economically more developed, is the presence of crime distributed in major urban areas. This does not only affect countries like Portugal or the European continent, but is experienced in all countries around the...

The moduli spaces of Higgs bundles
Speaker: André Oliveira (CMUP)
Given a Lie group G, the notion of G-Higgs bundle on a compact Riemann surface was introduced in the 1980s and 1990s by Nigel Hitchin. The algebraic varieties that parameterize these objects, i.e. their moduli spaces, have an extremely rich geometric and topological structure, yet are far...

Emergence of strange attractors from singularities
Speaker: Alexandre Rodrigues (CMUP, FCUP)
In this seminar, we explore some mechanisms to obtain strange attractors (with one or two positive Lyapunov exponents). We will discuss some open questions related to the existence of strange attractors near a special type of homoclinic cycle (associated to a bifocus). This seminar is...

Corruption cycles in democracy
Speaker: Alberto Adrego Pinto (FCUP)
In this talk, with the goal of analysing the evolution of corruption, we introduce an evolutionary game theoretic dynamical model describing the interaction of citizens with government and officials or bureaucrats of the state in a democratic country.We study and interpret the...

Dynamical systems from mutation-periodic quivers: definition and reduction by pre-symplectic tools
Speaker: Inês Cruz (CMUP, FCUP)
Cluster algebras and their associated quivers were introduced in 2002 by Fomin and Zelevinsky to provide a framework to study total positivity in matrix groups. Since then, cluster algebras have been successfully linked to a wide range of subjects including Poisson geometry, integrable...

Some challenging problems on numerical semigroups
Speaker: Manuel Delgado (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
A numerical semigroup is just a co-finite submonoid of the nonnegative integers, under addition. Despite being so simple mathematical objects, they hide very challenging combinatorial and computational problems (among others, coming from various areas of mathematics). The aim of the seminar...

Differential equations with two time-scales
Speaker: Isabel Labouriau (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
I'll discuss the role of different time-scales in differential equations and the associated geometry. This will be illustrated by a simple example, the FitzHugh-Nagumo equations, and by two of these equations coupled to form a system in ${\mathbb R}^4$. When two different time-scales are...

Frankl Conjecture
Speaker: André Carvalho (UC|UP PhD student)
This seminar will deal with a conjecture proposed in 1979 by Peter Frankl related to union-closed families of sets. Despite the fact that the conjecture regards finite union-closed families of sets, which appear to be very simple objects, very little is known about them. We try to present in...

Categorical semantics of intuitionistic linear logic
Speaker: Carlos Fitas (UC|UP PhD student)
The Curry-Howard-Lambek correspondence shows the deep connection between programs, proofs and morphisms in closed cartesian categories. It's natural to ask if similar results are true in other logics. Identifying the intuitionistic linear logic derivations up to the transformations in cut...

An ageing ordering
Speaker: Beatriz Santos (UC|UP PhD student)
Many classes of lifetime distributions are characterized by their ageing properties, that can be described by their survival functions or by their failure rate functions. These ageing properties allow us to compare two distributions within the same family, giving rise to ageing orderings....

Ergodic theorems from topological and probabilistic viewpoints
Speaker: Lucas Amorim (UC|UP PhD student)
Ergodic theorems are classic measure theoretical results in dynamical systems or, more precisely, ergodic theory. They state that convergence of Birkhoff averages is typical, in a measure theoretical sense. This work aims to explain how these results can be reìnterpreted in light of...

Deep learning meets PDEs: an effective framework for image restoration
Speaker: Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Image restoration is one of the major concerns in image processing with many interesting applications. Partial differential equation (PDE) based models, namely of nonlinear diffusion type, are well-known and widely used for image noise removal. In this seminar we will describe a flexible...

Algebras associated to quivers
Speaker: Rui Prezado (UC|UP PhD student)
Given a small category I, its representation theory is, in essence, the study of the functor category [I,R-Mod] for some (not necessarily commutative) ring R. A case of interest is when we have I freely generated by a quiver Q. We construct an R-algebra RQ associated to this quiver Q in two...

Spectral analysis in the study of dynamical systems
Speaker: Raquel Couto (UC|UP PhD student)
After a brief journey into a class of Symbolic Dynamical Systems, that is related to Markov Chains, I will present the Limit Theorem for Markov Chains which can be obtained as a corollary of Perron Theorem (a spectral theorem in linear algebra). Next, we will see what may be taken as a...

Coupled cell networks and systems
Speaker: Ana Paula Dias (CMUP)
The aim of this talk is to introduce the connection between coupled cell networks and coupled cell systems. We also plan to address the issue of classifying networks from the dynamics point of view.  The seminar takes place in PORTO....

Truncated boolean representable simplicial complexes
Speaker: Pedro V. Silva (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
These structures constitute the largest known class of simplicial complexes admitting a geometric/topological theory. We will present the main features of this class and some recent results (joint work with Stuart Margolis (Bar-Ilan) and John Rhodes (Berkeley))....

Superalgebras with superinvolution
Speaker: Herlisvaldo Costa Santos (UC|UP PhD programme student)
Our objective in this work is to provide primitive associative superalgebras a structure analogous to those for the algebras and to classify primitive superalgebras with superinvolution having a minimal superideal....

Representation type of algebras and quivers
Speaker: Ivan Yudin (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
One of the first results one encounters in the standard university courses of algebra are classifications of equivalence classes of matrices under various transformations. If we are allowed to multiply the matrix in question from each side with an invertible matrix, then the corresponding...

A mathematical model for a plant circadian oscillator
Speaker: Adérito Araújo (CMUC, Univ, Coimbra)
Circadian rhythms are generated at the cellular level by a small but tightly regulated genetic network. They are observed in most organisms on earth and are known to play a major role in successful adaptation to the 24-h cycling environment. Understanding the molecular basis of cellular...

On the existence of solutions for inextensible string equations
Speaker: Ayk Telciyan (UC|UP PhD programme student)
In this talk, we analyze existence of solutions for inextensible string equations. In particular, we have results in two directions.On one hand, we find explicit traveling wave solutions for a system of hyperbolic conservation laws resulting from inextensible string equations via suitable...

Representations of fundamental groups of surfaces
Speaker: Peter Gothen (CMUP, Univ Porto)
We consider representations of the fundamental group of a closed surface in the group SL(2,R). To each such representation one can associate an integer invariant called the Toledo invariant. A theorem of J. Milnor says that the absolute value of the Toledo invariant is less than or equal to...

Campanato spaces and applications in partial differential equations
Speaker: David Jesus (UC|UP PhD Programme student)
In this talk I will discuss a generalization of Campanato's characterization of Holder continuity, and use these results to study the regularity of solutions to the non-homogeneous p-Laplace equation....

Boolean representable simplicial complexes
Speaker: Maria Inês Couto (UC|UP PhD Programme student)
In this seminar we will discuss some properties of a particular class of simplicial complexes from a purely combinatorial perspective. The elements of this class, including all the matroids, admit a representation by a matrix with entries in the boolean semiring, so they are said boolean...

Actions of Hopf algebras
Speaker: Christian Lomp (CMUP, Univ Porto)
Group algebras and enveloping algebras of Lie algebras are examples of Hopf algebras. Automorphisms acting on rings as well as derivations acting on them are examples of Hopf algebra actions. Guided by these classical examples, we will motivate the study of Hopf algebra actions and consider...

Categories, allegories
Speaker: Igor Arrieta (UC|UP PhD programme student)
A binary relation from a set A to a set B is a subset of the cartesian product AxB. Moreover, a function f: A->B can be identified with a particular type of relation, namely the relation consisting of pairs (x,f(x)). Consequently, the usual category of sets can be regarded as a...

Geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics
Speaker: Pedro Silva (UC|UP PhD programme student)
A Kähler manifold is a differentiable manifold with three geometric structures: a Riemannian metric, a symplectic form, and a complex structure, satisfying some compatibility conditions. The metrics and the symplectic forms for which these compatibility conditions are satisfied are...

Identification and simulation of flow in heterogeneous media: a model for oil extraction
Speaker: Hugo Peña Gomez (UC|UP PhD Programme student)
The models of double porosity-permeability are used to described the dynamics of oil extraction (porous medium). The talk will be about presenting some aspects of this kind of models and a variation considering a particular medium structure. Some numerical results will be exposed. ...

On the group of a rational maximal bifix code
Speaker: Alfredo Costa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
A code is a set of words that freely generates a free submonoid of the free monoid. A specially relevant place in the theory of codes is occupied by the maximal bifix codes.In the last years, attention has been given to a process of "localization" in which one looks at the...

What is ... Pointfree Topology?
Speaker: Jorge Picado (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Pointfree topology deals with frames and locales, the pointfree counterparts of topological spaces. We shall present motivation for this approach to topology and its basic features and facts. We will emphasize some of the main differences between the two approaches and some advantages of the...

3-manifolds, knots and surfaces
Speaker: João Miguel Nogueira (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
We will survey the motivation and history of 3-manifold topology, together with its twin subject of knot theory, giving special emphasis to the importance of surfaces on the understanding of these subjects. Under this framework, we will also review contributions of the speaker as suitable....

Applied Mathematics: applications in biomedicine and biomathematics
Speaker: Isabel Narra de Figueiredo (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
This talk focus on the description of some computer-assisted methods we have developed for the automatic interpretation of medical images and on some biomathematics models we have proposed to represent and simulate the early stages of colon cancer....

Computing the indecomposable representations of left regular bands
Speaker: Herman Goulet-Ouellet (UC|UP PhD programme student)
Left regular bands are a family of semigroups that enjoy many surprising properties. They have received some attention recently due to their link with Markov chains and hyperplane arrangements. In this talk, we will see how to compute the indecomposable projective representations of finite...

The boolean reflection of a frame and the Cantor-Bendixson derivative
Speaker: Ana Belén Avilez (UC|UP PhD programme student)
We consider two categories, the category of frames and the category of complete boolean algebras. We know that a complete boolean algebra is always a frame, but we want to assign universally a complete boolean algebra to each frame. It turns out this is not always true, but there is a result...

Optimal transport, PDEs and geometry
Speaker: Dmitry Vorotnikov (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Various nonlinear evolutionary partial differential equations (coming from physics, fluid and solid mechanics, biology, chemistry etc.) can be viewed as geodesic equations or gradient flows on infinite-dimensional Riemannian structures.Understanding the underlying geometry of a PDE...

An introduction to Sasakian manifolds
Speaker: Antonio de Nicola (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
I will introduce the first elements of contact and almost contact geometry, starting from the notion of contact manifold. I will briefly mention its relation with symplectic geometry as well as some application to physics. I will present the notions of normality and compatible metric in an...

On the construction of complex algebraic surfaces
Speaker: Carlos Rito (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
Surfaces of general type are far from being classified. Frequently the construction of a single example is a challenge, even for the ones with low values of the invariants. The most efficient methods of construction are classical: quotients by the action of a group and coverings. In this...

Extremal behavior of chaotic dynamical systems
Speaker: Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
This talk is about the study of rare events for chaotic dynamical systems.We will address this issue by two approaches. One regards the existence of Extreme Value Laws (EVL) for stochastic processes obtained from dynamical systems, by evaluating an observable function (which achieves a...

On a regularity conjecture for degenerate elliptic pdes
Speaker: José Miguel Urbano (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
We establish a new oscillation estimate for solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations of degenerate elliptic type, which yields a precise control on the growth rate of solutions near their set of critical points. We then apply this new tool in the investigation of a longstanding...

Non Fickian diffusion in porous media
Speaker: José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Transport processes in porous media have being described by the classical convection-diffusion equation for the concentration coupled with an elliptic equation for the pressure and Darcy’s law for the velocity. Despite the popularity of this model, gaps between experimental data...

The combinatorics of noncrossing and nonnesting partitions
Speaker: Ricardo Mamede (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
After a brief introduction to abstract Coxeter systems using a combinatorial approach based on words, we discuss recent developments on two combinatorial objects associated to the classical Coxeter groups: noncrossing and nonnesting partitions....

On the representation theory of some Noetherian algebras
Speaker: Paula Carvalho (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
I will present some classes of Noetherian algebras that I have been studying regarding their representation theory; down-up algebras and skew polynomial rings, presenting past and present results. If time allows, another class of algebras will be introduced for which it is unknown when they...

Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and graph invariants
Speaker: Jorge Neves (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
The work of R. Stanley exposed a strong link between the theory of ideals of a polynomial ring generated by monomials and the theory of simplicial complexes. Recently, other bridges have been established between combinatorial structures and classes of ideals not necessarily generated by...

On Taken's Last Problem: times averages for heteroclinic attractors
Speaker: Alexandre A. Rodrigues (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
In this talk, after giving a technical overview about the topic, I will discuss some properties of a robust family of smooth ordinary differential equations exhibiting tangencies for a dense subset of parameters. We use this to find dense subsets of parameter values such that the set of...

Singularities of vector fields and the dimension of groups of holomorphic diffeomorphisms
Speaker: Helena Reis (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
The group of holomorphic diffeomorphisms, Aut(M), of a compact complex manifold M is a Lie group of finite dimension. To provide bounds for the dimension of these groups is a classical problem in complex analysis. It is well known that the dimension of Aut(M) cannot be bounded in terms of...

Smoothness Morrey spaces and their envelopes
Speaker: Susana Moura (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
See attached file....

A meeting between Sobolev, Bessel, Hölder, Lorentz and Karamata in order to discuss optimal embeddings and some open problems
Speaker: Júlio Neves (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
In this talk we give a short survey on the results of embeddings of Sobolev type spaces into Hölder type spaces, including as well the famous result of Brézis and Wainger about almost Lipschitz continuity of elements of the Sobolev space with super-critical exponent of...

A successful pair: symbolic dynamics and (pro)finite semigroups
Speaker: Alfredo Costa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
My research has been mostly about exploring natural links between the field of symbolic dynamics and the theory of finite and profinite semigroups, with applications in both directions. The aim of this talk is to give examples of relevant results and open problems stemming from this line of...

Ring theoretical and combinatorial aspects of representation theory
Speaker: Samuel Lopes (CMUP, Univ. Porto)
I will discuss some of my research interests in relation to representation theory of infinite dimensional algebras, highlighting the interplay with topics in ring theory and combinatorics....

Diverse paths in network optimisation
Speaker: Marta Pascoal (Univ. Coimbra)
A path in a graph is a sequence of vertices linked by graph edges. The determination of an optimal path with respect to a given objective function has led to classical network optimization problems. However, for many applications, it is useful to know an alternative backup solution,which can...

Positive semidefinite rank and representations of polytopes
Speaker: João Gouveia (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Let M be a p-by-q matrix with nonnegative entries. The positive semidefinite rank (psd rank) of M is the smallest integer k for which there exist positive semidefinite matrices A_i,B_j of size k×k such that M_{ij}=trace(A_i,B_j). The psd rank was recently introduced, and has has ...

A fractional diffusion model with resetting
Speaker: Ercília Sousa (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
We consider a fractional partial differential equation that describes the diffusive motion of a particle, performing a random walk with Lévy distributed jump lengths, on one dimension with an initial position x0. The particle is additionally subject to a resetting dynamics, whereby...

Image processing using nonlinear partial differential equations
Speaker: Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
When assigned with the task of image reconstruction, the first challenge one faces is the derivation of a truthful model for both the information we want to extract and the data. The natural question arises: how can we make our model adaptive to the given data? Diffusion processes are...

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