
<Historic> <Subscription>
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Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminars
The Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminars are an initiative of the Portuguese Group on Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Applications and the University of Warsaw.   The seminars are organized by Kenier Castillo (CMUC) in collaboration with Galina Filipuk from the...

Seminar of the Portuguese Group on Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
The purpose of this group is to promote, in Portugal, the research in Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials and their relation with close fields such as Approximation Theory, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, and Matrix Analysis; and to encourage and support the exchange of information,...

Universidade de Verão 2024
The Summer University 2024, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 21st to the 26th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, they will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogical and cultural activities that...

Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - June 7, 2024
Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - Trends and Challenges THE EVENT In recent years, the intersection of mathematics and agriculture has emerged as a pivotal domain, offering innovative solutions to address pressing challenges in both environmental, sustainability and economic viability....

Manual de Comunicação Inclusiva na Investigação
Um manual de comunicação inclusiva na investigação é uma das ferramentas criadas no âmbito do projeto GendER@UC EEA Grants, que a Universidade de Coimbra (UC) desenvolveu ao longo dos últimos três anos. https://estudogeral.uc.pt/handle/10316/111094 A equipa do projeto produziu ainda um...

ECM2024 - Minisymposia organized by CMUC researchers
Mathematical Modelling in Life SciencesOrganizers: Adérito Araújo (CMUC), Andrea Pugliese (University of Trento, Italy) Towards the regularity theory, PDEs free boundaries and interfacesOrganizers: Edgard Pimentel (CMUC), Makson Santos (IST, Lisbon)...

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Science and Technology Foundation
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