Publications (Journal Article)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
MENDES, Ana, SARAIVA, Paulo, (2023). Andrei Martínez-Finkelshtein, o matemático que sonhou ser astronauta (entrevista). Gazeta de Matemática. Vol. 201, pp. 44-55. Export
FAUL, Peter F., MANUELL, Graham, SIQUEIRA, José, (2023). Artin glueings of toposes as adjoint split extensions. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. Vol. 227. 5, Article number 107273, pp. 1-40. Export
RENDÓN GARCÍA, Fiorella, SIRAKOV, Boyan, SOARES, Mayra, (2023). Boundary weak Harnack estimates and regularity for elliptic PDE in divergence form. Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods & Applications. Vol. 235. Article number 113331, pp. 1-13. Export
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, PREZADO, Rui, SOUSA, Lurdes, (2023). Cauchy Completeness, Lax Epimorphisms and Effective Descent for Split Fibrations. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin. Vol. 30. 1, pp. 130-139. Export
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, VÁKÁR, Matthijs, (2023). CHAD for Expressive Total Languages. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. Vol. 33. 4-5, pp. 311-426. Export
CASTILLO, Kenier, PETRONILHO, José Carlos, (2023). Classical orthogonal polynomials revisited. Results in Mathematics. Vol. 78. 4, Article number 155, pp. 1-26. Export
FERREIRA, Marina A., FRANCO, Eugenia, LUKKARINEN, Jani, NOTA, Alessia, VELÁZQUEZ, Juan J. L., (2023). Coagulation equations with source leading to anomalous self-similarity. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. Vol. 56. 48, Article number 485002, pp. 1-40. Export
GOUVEIA, João, MACCHIA, Antonio, WIEBE, Amy, (2023). Combining realization space models of polytopes. Discrete & Computational Geometry. Vol. 69, pp. 505-542. Export
CLAIN, Stéphane, MACHADO, Gaspar J., MALHEIRO, M. T., (2023). Compact schemes in time with applications to partial differential equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. Vol. 140, pp. 107-125. Export
LIU, Suyun, VICENTE, Luís Nunes, (2023). Convergence rates of the stochastic alternating algorithm for bi-objective optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. Vol. 198. 1, pp. 165-186. Export
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