Publications (Preprint)
Publication Year
Scientific Areas
ADÁMEK, Jirí, SOUSA, Lurdes, (2023). A finitary adjoint functor theorem. DMUC 23-35 Preprint. Export
GIOVANNELLI, Tommaso, SOHAB, Oumaima, VICENTE, Luís Nunes, (2023). The limitation of neural nets for approximation and optimization. arXiv:2311.12253 Preprint. Export
PLUNDER, Steffen, DANESIN, Cathy, GLISE, Bruno, FERREIRA, Marina A., MERINO ACEITUNO, Sara, THEVENEAU, Eric, (2023). Modelling variability and heterogeneity of EMT scenarios highlights nuclear positioning and protrusions as main drivers of extrusion. bioRxiv: 10.1101/2023.11.17.567510 Preprint. Export
AZENHAS, Olga, FELLER, Mojdeh Tarighat, TORRES, Jacinta, (2023). The type Cn Berestein-Kirillov group. DMUC 23-34 Preprint. Export
AZENHAS, Olga, GOBET, Thomas, LECOUVEY, Cédric, (2023). Non symmetric Cauchy kernels, Demazure measures and LPP. DMUC 23-33 Preprint. Export
NOGUEIRA, João Miguel, (2023). Knot exteriors with all compact surfaces of positive genus essentially embedded. DMUC 23-32 Preprint. Export
BEITES, Patrícia D., FERNÁNDEZ, Amir, KAYGORODOV, Ivan, (2023). The algebraic and geometric classification of transposed Poisson algebras. arXiv:2311.00459 Preprint. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, PÉREZ, Teresa E., PIÑAR, M. A., (2023). Lax-type pairs in the theory of bivariate orthogonal polynomials. arXiv:2311.05949 Preprint. Export
HAROSKE, Dorothee D., LIU, Zheng, MOURA, Susana D., SKRZYPCZAK, Leszek, (2023). Embeddings of generalised Morrey smoothness spaces. arXiv:2310.18282 Preprint. Export
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FERNÁNDEZ-DÍAZ, Juan E., FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel, (2023). Hypergeometric expressions for type I Jacobi-Piñeiro orthogonal polynomials with arbitrary number of weights. arXiv:2310.18294 Preprint. Export
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