The degree and the half degree principle for symmetric polynomials
Description:  Vlad Timofte proved in 2001/2 that a symmetric real polynomial F of degree d in n variables is nonnegative on certain subsets of Rn if and only if it is so on the subset of points with at most max{|_d/2_|,2} distinct components. His proof used ordinary differential equations. Quite recently Cordian Riener found an elementary proof for this `half degree principle' using hyperbolic polynomials in one variable. We report on these ideas which as a spinoff allow to infer a claim concerning the minima of linear combinations of elementary symmetric polynomials which was published in 1987 with an apparently irreparably flawed argument. Joint work with Cordian Riener and Salma Kuhlmann.
Date:  2011-06-15
Start Time:   15:00
Speaker:  Alexander Kovacec (Mat. FCTUC)
Institution:  -
Place:  Room 5.5
Research Groups: -Algebra and Combinatorics
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